Fall in Spring


I've been out of commission for a while.  No, there was no banana peel, but there was a fall.  A little blood, a lot of bruising, broken glasses, and a concussion.  At this point, I'm pretty much recovered from everything but the bruising, which could (I'm told by doctors) last a couple months because of the severity.

This week I'll be getting back into the swing of things, however, with the San Francisco Cherry Blossom Festival on Saturday, and the following week's trip to Monterey Bay to (hopefully) see orca on a whale watching boat out of Moss Landing for Cay's birthday.

May is a whirlwind of activity for me, a lot of it occurring here at the apartments. Since we're having 3 major events in May, and I'm the director of the activities committee, I expect to be kept very busy.  May 4th I'll be working at the tide pool touch table at the Bodega Fishermen's Festival with Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods.  I'm only taking one shift, although signing up for multiple shifts is my usual M.O. 

I've noticed a profound difference between falling as a child, falling as a young person, and falling as a senior.  I was surprised that even though I was able to stand up and walk home, I was dizzy and nauseous and forgetful for over a week, and trying to push through only made things worse. My youngest was telling me a concussion is no big deal, and she just delt with it when she got a concussion.  She was 23.  Even at 55, I was able to deal with a concussion myself better than what went on this time.  Aging really does make a difference.


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