
A decade of love

  Cinnamon, Nov 2014 I've been thinking a lot about my little dog, Cinnamon.  The photo above is from November of 2014, shortly after I adopted her.  She's been by my side now for for almost 10 years. You can read a little about how she joined my family on my archived post. She's a tripod, which has never really slowed her down.  As a young dog she'd run with the whippets at the dog park... and run for hours.  Now she's more likely to just do a little walk around the park, and spends less time in active play with other dogs, with the exception of miniature schnauzers, which she cannot resist. She's had a few mini schnau friends over the years, and just adored them. She still likes to curl up on the couch, although now not on a cat blanket, but by my side with her head on a pillow.  She is a lot more happy-go-lucky, a bit mischievous, but also is starting to slow down a little.  Here she is today, with her summer groom: July 2024 Her undercoat still has that cinn

Blogging Blues

Rainbow Connection

Revelation: NM

Recognizing D

Fall in Spring

Today: Sonoma Botanical Gardens