New Year, Same Old

It's been a few weeks since I've updated here.  The holidays were pretty rough.  I've been on a walker since the beginning of December because of knee pain.  I've got a whole team of doctors trying to figure out how much of it is arthritis, how much nerve damage, how much some sort of soft tissue thing going on, and what to do about it.  I spent most of the time from Christmas to New Years sleep deprived and in agony, and ended up on pain meds.  Right now the pain is still acute, but very localized and I'm able to sleep more (without meds) but I still can't walk without support.

I'm on a really restrictive diet again (eating like I'm just out of surgery) to lose enough weight to have a knee replacement if that's what they decide on.

I did get over to the Dicken's Christmas Fair with my walker before things got totally unbearable, which was important for me to do before I leave for Santa Fe (whenever that will be), in part because of the connection with Ellen.  I enjoyed it so much, I'm thinking of flying back once I move to go again.

I've been trying to find things I can do around the apartment here, and I'm now the director of the activity committee here at the senior apartments.  A meeting causes a traffic jam of walkers, but we're making it work.

Other than that, I've got a quantity of books downloaded on my Kindle, and a bunch of books on hold at the library for when I run out here.  I'm having to learn how to kick back a little-- for now not so successfully-- and take time to really relax and be well. 


  1. I feel your pain! I have been using a walker for several months, it is humbling. I did find some relief with a cortisone shot. It did not fix all the pain by any means but it is more bearable. Living with Rheumatoid and Osteo Arthritis isn't for the faint of heart. After what I think was almost a grieving period for my loss of mobility I am on a quest to live life to the fullest! Keep your head up!

    1. I had a cortisone shot a few months ago, before it all got really bad. Unfortunately, while the shots work very well in my hands and hips, they've done nothing for my knees, and they are not recommended for my ankle, because of the tendon damage.

      I have a few good days when the weather is good, including when I wrote this particular post, but when it's damp, the pain gets overwhelming, and I start losing sleep again. I am beyond frustrating, because all I hear is that when the NEXT specialist I'm sent to fixes the problem, I'll be back to hiking again in a few months. The problem now is that each specialist sends me on to another, and says the same thing: once the NEXT specialist fixes the problem, I'll be back hiking in a few months.

      I've already learned that there is no fixing my ankle. I've actually done a few good hikes over the summer on the wonky ankle with the orthotic insoles, but now that I'm limping from the opposite knee pain, the ankle is a mess again.


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