Today America celebrates "Independence".
In my America, people HAVE independence.
In my America, people have Freedom.
In my America, every individual has bodily autonomy... except where it impacts public health.
In my America, breast removal is as respected an option as breast enlargement.
In my America, people can dress to express rather than impress, should they choose to, without judgement.
In my America, people can love openly and without fear.
In my America, every citizen has a right to vote.
In my America, no one has to live on the street because they can't afford a home.
In my America, we do welcome the poor, the tired, the huddled masses with a light of hope, rather than a burning distain.
In my America, we keep our beautiful for spacious skies clean, our shining seas unpolluted, and our purple mountains majesties unbroken by monuments to a dubious past.
The issue, you see, is not that I am "woke"
It's that I'm dreaming.
Well said.